Terms of Services

These Terms and Conditions of Service (this “Agreement”) constitute the entire Agreement between Jiffitel LLC, DBA BestInmateCalling, hereafter referred to (“Jiffitel, we, us, or our”) and you (“you, your, Subscriber, user, or Customer”) with respect to Jiffitel services provided through the website and/or by speaking with a Customer Service Representative. By activating your account we understand that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions. It is the Subscriber(s) responsibility to review the terms clearly posted on the company website and stay aware of any changes made.

Jiffitel does not use paper for “statements” or “Terms and Conditions of Service”. Terms and Conditions of Service are permanently posted on our website; however we reserve the right to email terms and conditions to our subscribers. We reserve the right to modify this Agreement at any time. Such modifications shall be effective upon posting on our website. By subscribing to the Service, including any such future modifications, you agree to be bound by this and any subsequent revised Agreement posted on our website at https://bestinmatecalling.com/terms.

Upon subscription of Service, we hereby assign to you an individual, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to access and use the Jiffitel service, for non-commercial use. You shall have no right to sell, resell, duplicate, copy, distribute, exploit for commercial purposes, any portion, access, or use of the Jiffitel service; nor make any claim that you have such right. Unless, stated otherwise, any new features provided by us that can enhance the current Jiffitel service shall also be subject to these terms and conditions. We shall not have any liability for any communications, information, content and/or materials that you submit to the service and you assume all such responsibility and liability. We shall have no responsibility for the transmission or deletion of your Content. We have the right to restrict termination to any telephone numbers at our sole discretion.

Subscriber is required to prepay for all usages of this service. Subscriber also agrees not to use service for any unlawful, abusive purpose, or in such a way that it creates damage to Jiffitel services reputation, employees, facilities, third parties or to the public in general. It is the Subscriber’s responsibility to know the rules of the inmate’s facility where incarcerated. We are not liable if the place of imprisonment changes its telephone policy, which causes interference with the Jiffitel service.

Once your account is established, we will issue you either a local line number for the location of the facility of where the inmate is located, or a non-local number if, according to our information, calls from the prision to that type of number will be billed at a better rate. For instance prisons in several states bill inmate calls to local numbers at higher rates than those to non-local numbers. While we try to keep this type of information updated you understand and agree it is your responsibility to learn the relevant calling procedures for your inmate’s facility and to not to hold us liable for changes in inmate facility policies. You understand that Jiffitel does not have billing arrangements with any prison phone providers and our service cannot accept collect phone calls. You agree to use alternate means so the calls from your inmate are not billed as collect calls. This can be done by using a prepaid account with the contracted phone provider for the inmate’s facility, calling cards utilized by the inmate, or the inmate calling direct through a commissary account. You agree that you FULLY understand how to set up our service and also that it is your responsibility to understand what steps that you need to do next. You also understand that we are NOT responsible for the 3rd party providers to our company. If set up takes longer than expected, you are still required to pay our service. If at any time you need additional help on how to get set up, you could go to https://bestinmatecalling.com or contact us.

We provide our service to you until such time you contact us to cancel. Your service term refers to the period of time for which we will bill you in advance (for example: one month or one year). The service term is the term that you selected from the options available when you signed up for our service. Your first service term begins on the subscription date, which is the date you first ordered service, the date we gave you the phone number, or the date we successfully processed your payment, whichever is later. Your service will continue until canceled by you or by us as provided for herein. Please note that the obligations of this agreement begin on your subscription date and are indefinite. Your service term automatically renews for the same term unless you call us to cancel your service before the end of your then current service term. The renewal begins on the day after the last day of your service term.

The term of this agreement is a month-to-month contract. The monthly fee will be still charged even if the Subscriber does not receive calls. Subscriber can cancel at any time, and that cancellation will take effect at the next billing period. For instance, if service is cancelled after a subscription period starts, the service will remain in effect ONLY thru the end of that subscription period. The term of the service shall continue for as long as the Subscriber continues to replenish their account for as many months thereafter as said Subscriber decides to continue service. The agreement is only with the buyer, the account is non-transferable.

Acceptable Use
You shall be solely liable for any transmissions sent through the Service. We have no control over the content of any transmission nor will we be liable for such content. Customer shall not use the Services to create or distribute any images, sounds, messages or other materials, which are obscene, harassing, racist, malicious, fraudulent infringing or libelous, nor use the service for any activity that may be considered or are unethical, immoral, abusive of any third party’s rights, or illegal. Further, you will abide by all rules, regulations, procedures and policies of Jiffitel and any policies of the networks connected to the Services. You agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national, foreign and international laws and regulations and are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur under your account or password, including the content of your transmissions through the service.

Providing Information to Authorities & 3rd Parties
If we believe that you have used this service for an unlawful purpose, we may forward the relevant communication and other information, including your identity, to the appropriate authorities for investigation and prosecution. You consent to our forwarding of any such communications and information to these authorities. In addition, we my disclose your name, telephone number, credit card information, and other personal information that we may have about your account.

Emergency 911 Service or Operator Assisted Calling
You acknowledge and understand that Jiffitel does NOT allow you to access any 911 or similar emergency services (no traditional 911, E911, or similar access to emergency services). You should always have an alternative means of accessing 911 or similar emergency services. Jiffitel is not intended to replace your primary phone service, such as traditional landline or mobile phone. Our service does not support 0+ or operator assisted calling, including, without limitation, collect calls, third party billing calls, 900, or calling card calls. Our service may not support 411, 311, 511, and other x11 services in one or more service areas.

No Directory Listings
The phone numbers you get from us may be listed in a telephone directories, and you agree to hold harmless Jiffitel and its affiliates, suppliers or agents against any and all claims for damages caused or claimed to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by any errors and omissions in referenced above.

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Jiffitel, our directors, officers, employees, agents, vendors and affiliates from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities (including attorney fees), damages, costs and expenses, in any way arising from or related to your use of the Service, your violation of this Agreement or your communication of any Content on or through the Service. You agree that we shall not be responsible or liable in any way for deactivation or deletion of accounts or for loss of voice mails, communications, e-mail, data or information as a result of, or arising out of, administration of the Services, whether or not you are given prior notice thereof. If you cancel your service, your old number may be made available to other customers.

Proprietary Rights
Jiffitel shall retain all right, title and interest to the Services including all copyrights, trademarks, patents and all other intellectual property rights thereto, including without limitation with respect to all technology and telephone numbers used in connection with or provided as part of the Services. You may not, nor allow any third party to, copy, distribute, sell, disclose, lend, transfer, convey, modify, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Services for any purpose whatsoever. You may not allow any third party to access the Services for any purpose whatsoever. The copyright notices and other proprietary legends shall not be removed from the Services and no right to use any trademark is granted under this Agreement. You may not grant any sublicense, lease or other right in the Services to any third party. All rights not expressly granted under this Agreement are retained by Jiffitel.

Registration, Passwords and Privacy
In registering for the Service, you agree to provide and maintain accurate and complete information about yourself. In registering, you will designate a phone number or phone numbers and password and are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of these items. If you provide data that is, or that we suspect to be, false, inaccurate, incomplete or not current, we have the right to suspend or terminate Services and refuse any and all current or future use of all services, or any portion. In addition, we reserve the right to immediately disconnect your service at any time without notice. You agree to enter registered private telephone numbers that are controlled by or under the common control of you. We respect your privacy. You must immediately notify us if you suspect any breach of security such as loss, or unauthorized disclosure or use of your password and account.

Payment for Services
Jiffitel will charge you one flat rate in effect under your plan as published on Jiffitel. Such rate may be updated by us from time to time and will be effective when published on Jiffitel. Your billing cycle starts on the day your local line is assigned to your account. You agree that all payments will be made to us via a valid credit or debit card, including MasterCard, VISA, American Express, or Discover. We may change the credit cards accepted at any time, at our sole discretion. Your name and address as it appears on your account must also be on the credit account from which payment is made. If you provide a credit card number that we accept for payment of your monthly bill, you are authorizing us to charge the amounts you owe, then or later, to that credit card account and to demand immediate payment from the card issuer. Every time you use our Services, you re-affirm that we are authorized to charge your card. You agree to authorize Jiffitel to charge purchases made online to the credit card account supplied to us when the subscription was initiated, or the card that we have on file when the purchase is made. You agree to pay all costs and expenses, including but not limited to collection agency fees, attorney’s fees and court costs incurred by Jiffitel to collect any monies due under terms of this Agreement.
Your first month’s service is prepaid when you establish your account. If for some reason your phone number is not available when you initially purchase our service, we will NOT start your first month’s service until we issue your local line to your account. In some cases this can take two (2) days or more. You cannot order a number from us without purchasing our service.

We will publish on our web site the fees and charges. These fees and charges may change from time to time. We may introduce new products and services at special introductory pricing. We reserve the right to bill you more frequently if we feel your account is behind or in default.

Fees upon Disconnection
Disconnection by us without reason. If we discontinue service generally, or disconnect your service without a stated reason, you will only be responsible for the charges that have accrued through the date of the disconnection, including a pro-rated portion of the final service term charges, and any recovery fees.

Disconnection by us with a reason. If we disconnect your service for any of the reasons, you will be responsible for all charges through the end of your current service term, including unbilled charges, plus any disconnection charges and any recovery charges.
All charges owed at the time of disconnection will be immediately payable. We will pursue collection for unpaid amounts on disconnected accounts and may report these unpaid charges to the credit bureaus.

Disconnection by you. If you attempt to disconnect service before the end of the current service term, you will be responsible for all the charges for your current term, including unbilled charges.

When you subscribe to our service, you must give us a valid mobile phone number, email address and a payment method we accept. We reserve the right to stop accepting your payment method or your payments. You must advise us at once if your payment method expires, you close your account, your billing address changes, your mobile phone changes, your email address changes, or your payment method is cancelled and replaced due to loss or theft. Except for usage-based charges, we will bill in advance to your payment method all charges, fees, taxes, and surcharges for each service term. We will automatically charge your credit card on file monthly from the day that we collected full payment for our service and issued your phone number.

When you subscribe to our service, you authorize us to collect from your payment method. This authorization will remain valid until 30 days after your terminate our authority to charge your payment method. We will then charge you any other outstanding charges and disconnect your service.

If we disconnect your service, you will remain liable to us for all charges under this agreement and all the costs we incur to collect these charges, including, without limitation, collection agency fees, reasonable attorney’s fees, and arbitration or court costs.

You understand that it is difficult for us to distinguish between credit and debit cards. You agree to waive your rights under Regulation E to receive 10 days advanced notice from us regarding the amount that we will debit from your account. While we may send you messages about your billing from time to time, we are not obligated to do so. We may change or cease our messages at any time without notice to you.

Billing Disputes
If you want to dispute any Jiffitel transaction with us, you must notify us within 7 days after you receive your statement from your bank or credit card issuer. If you do not dispute the charges within 7 days, you waive any right to contest the charges.

Taxes are not included in Jiffitel service prices. This does not include the initial set-up transaction fee. Federal, state and local governments may assess taxes, surcharges, or fees, or all of these, on your use of our service. These charges are based on the rates applicable to the address you provided to us. You are responsible for all applicable taxes, fees, or charges for your subscription, use or payment for our service. These taxes and fees are subject to change at any time.

Cancellations & Refunds
Accounts may be cancelled by email sent to support@bestinmatecalling.com. Refunds are granted at the full discretion of Jiffitel, and Jiffitel has the right to deny any and all refunds. ALL SETUP FEES, SECONDARY LINE CHARGES, SERVICE CHARGES, TRANSFER CHARGES, PRE-PAID MINUTES AND ROLLOVER MINUTES ARE NONREFUNDABLE. Active accounts should be cancelled prior to the next monthly billing date so Subscriber will not be charged the next monthly service.

Termination of Service
No one other than the account holder can authorize canceling the account. Accounts may be cancelled by email sent to support@bestinmatecalling.com

Promotional & Discount Funds
Promotional & Discount funds are not refundable and they must be used for their intended purpose only. Jiffitel may offer discounts or promotions from time to time. These offers are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Default / Negative Balance on Account
Should any customer have a negative balance on their pre-paid account for more than 30 days, Jiffitel will have the right to assume the account is in default. Jiffitel reserves the right to close this account and to proceed with a remedy for collection. Subscriber agrees to be responsible for any Jiffitel and/or third party collection company fees, attorney fees and costs, or any and all fees associated with the Subscriber’s default account. Reactivation of accounts is only possible after the negative balance is paid in full. If this Agreement is terminated because of Customer default, Jiffitel may keep any charges or sums prepaid by Customer upon termination. Jiffitel may require reactivation charges to renew Service after termination or suspension.

Jiffitel and you agree to arbitrate any and all disputes and claims between you and Jiffitel. Arbitration means that a neutral arbitrator instead of by a judge or jury in a court will resolve all disputes and claims. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be given the broadest possible meaning under the law. It includes, but is not limited to: disputes and claims arising out of or relating to any aspect of the relationship between you and Jiffitel, whether based in contract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation or any other legal theory; disputes and claims that arose before this or any prior agreement including, but not limited to, claims relating to advertising; disputes and claims that may arise after the termination of this agreement; disputes and claims that are currently the subject of individual litigation; disputes and claims that are currently the subject of purported class action litigation in which you are not a member of a certified class; and disputes and claims concerning the scope of this arbitration provision. Reference to Jiffitel include our respective subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, predecessors in interest, successors and assigns, as well as all authorized or unauthorized users or beneficiaries of the service under this agreement or any prior agreements between you and Jiffitel.

Waiver of Jury Trial
You and Jiffitel agree that, by entering into this agreement, you and Jiffitel are waiving the right to a trial by jury.

We may monitor the use of our service for violations of this agreement. We may remove or block all communications if we suspect a violation of this agreement, or if we think it is necessary in order to protect our service, or Jiffitel, its parent, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, and employees from harm.

No Third Party Beneficiaries
If you are not a part to this agreement, you do not have any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, or cause of action. This agreement does not create any third party beneficiary rights.

Entire Agreement
This agreement, including any future modifications to its terms, and the rates for services found on our web site constitute the entire agreement between you and Jiffitel. This agreement governs your use of our service, and the use of our services by the members of your household and your guests and employees. This agreement supersedes any prior all prior or contemporaneous statements, understandings, writings, commitments, or representations concerning its subject matter.

Changes to This Agreement
We may change the terms and conditions of this agreement from time to time. By subscribing to our service, you agree that we may provide to you by use of electronic communications required notices, agreements and other information concerning Jiffitel, including changes to this agreement. It is the subscriber(s) responsibility to review the terms clearly posted on the company website to be aware of any changes made. Changes will become binding on you on the date they are posted. When posted, this agreement supersedes all previously agreed to electronic and written terms of service, including, without limitation, any terms. If you continue to use our service, we will consider this your acceptance of any changes.

Privacy Policy
We do not share or sell your information with anyone in any way. We consider the privacy of our subscribers and users to be our top concern and priority. We may, in some circumstances, provide your information to trusted parties for purposes such as: complying with court orders and other legal processes or procedures as dictated by Federal, State or Local government entities; enforcing our agreements and property rights and obtaining payment for our products and services, including the transfer of delinquent accounts to trusted parties for collection.

Copyright and Trademark
Our website content, our materials, services, logs, service marks and trademarks are protected by trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property laws, and international treaty provisions. Infringement by you may result in civil or criminal prosecution.

Disclaimer of Warranties
We provide the service on an “as is” basis and grant no warranties of any kind, express, implied or statutory, including, any warranty. In addition, we do not warrant that the service or device will be without failure, delay, interruption, error, omission, degradation of voice quality, or loss of content, data, or information. We do not endorse, warrant or guarantee any products or services promoted, offered or provided by or on behalf of third parties on or through the service. We are not a party to, and do not monitor, any transaction between users and third party providers of products or services.

No Credit Allowances for Interruption of Service
We will not give you credit for any delay or failure to provide service at any time, or any degradation of quality of service.